Contemporary Greek diaspora in the UK and beyond

10 October 2019

Venue: The Hellenic Centre, 16–18 Paddington Street, Marylebone, London W1U 5AS
Convenors: Othon Anastasakis (St Antony’s College, Oxford); Foteini Kalantzi (St Antony’s College, Oxford); Manolis Pratsinakis (DPIR, University of Oxford)

The Greek Diaspora Project team at SEESOX is pleased and honoured to present its rich research output on the nature and impact of the contemporary Greek Diasporas in the UK and elsewhere, in the context of the recent Greek economic crisis and beyond. The event will include panellists from academia, the policy-making community and the business sector. It will address issues such as the recent migratory wave and brain drain; diasporic political engagement; the diaspora and philanthropic giving. It will also present some findings on the Greeks in the UK; and will introduce its Greek diaspora digital map.

The opening remarks will be delivered by HE Mr Dimitris Caramitsos-Tziras, Greek Ambassador in London, and Mr Nikos Karamouzis, President Grand Thornton, and Chair of the Hellenic Advisory Board at SEESOX.  

Panellists (in alphabetical order) include: Othon Anastasakis, Director of South East European Studies at Oxford (SEESOX); Foteini Kalantzi, A.G. Leventis Research Officer at SEESOX; Antonis Kamaras, SEESOX associate & Greek Diaspora Project representative in Greece; Kalypso Nicolaidis, Chair of SEESOX and Professor of International Relations; Yannis Paraschis, CEO, Athens Airport; Manolis Pratsinakis, Onassis fellow at SEESOX; Alexandros Sarrigeorgiou, CEO, Eurolife.

Free entry. The event is organised by SEESOX and is supported by the Greek Embassy in London and the Hellenic Centre.

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