The coronavirus pandemic is a global crisis which triggers diverse interactions between the diaspora and homeland worldwide and certainly in the Greek case, too. The Greek Diaspora Project introduces ‘The Diaspora and the Homeland in the time of the Pandemic’ blog, composed of short contributions ranging from 800 to 1200 words, that seek to identify and evaluate these new terms of engagement. We assume that the pandemic is affecting the perception and reality of belonging and attachment to the homeland and host-countries of Greeks abroad. At the same time, Greece needs to find new ways of engaging with its diaspora communities in the scientific, economic or other fields. Homeland - diaspora engagement is bound to be affected in many ways during the period of the pandemic but also in the post pandemic period.
We are thus inviting colleagues to share with us their experiences and views on such matters that have to do with the dramatically transformed present and the highly fluid future of homeland-diaspora engagement.

September 2020 | Pandemic Blog
“Give me a place to stand and, with a lever, I will move the whole world”
Kimon Drakopoulos

August 2020 | Pandemic Blog
Greek temporary migrants in Australia: Wedged between coronavirus and Australian government policies
Harry Theotokatos-Field

July 2020 | Pandemic Blog
The SEESOX webinar on ‘Diaspora and the Pandemic’
Antonis Kamaras and Foteini Kalantzi

June 2020 | Pandemic Blog
Greek America in the Pandemic: Entangling Home and Homeland in the Media
Yiorgos Anagnostou

June 2020 | Pandemic Blog
The Greek-Orthodox Diasporic Religioscapes of Europe in Light of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Georgios E. Trantas

June 2020 | Pandemic Blog
The Covid-19 Pandemic, Greece and the Ecumenical Patriarchate
Ioannis N. Grigoriadis

May 2020 | Pandemic Blog
Diasporic responses to the pandemic: Some initial observations
Foteini Kalantzi

May 2020 | Pandemic Blog
Does EU law have space for repatriation (for Greece and beyond) amidst a pandemic?
Vasiliki Poula