It will run until April 2019 and the analysis will be done in the subsequent months until June 2019. The survey will address the following two research questions: (1) What is the socioeconomic, political and cultural profile of the Greek Diaspora in the UK? (2) To what extent and under what conditions are Greeks in the UK willing and able to contribute to Greece at times of crisis?
Due to the lack of a sample frame, transnational populations (such as those addressed in the present study) are impossible to reach using traditional survey modes. To account for this limitation, GDP adopts an innovative sampling strategy based on the “respondent-driven sampling” (RDS) methodology. According to this methodology a diverse group of respondents, the so-called seeds, will initiate the respondent recruitment in the following manner: once they fill in the online questionnaire, they will be asked to send invitations with a personalized survey link to up to three of their acquaintances in the UK. New referrals will be asked to recruit further, creating several chains of referrals up to a sample of 1,000 respondents. After the survey is completed sample biases will be corrected by using information about respondents’ social networks and the process of recruitment. At a second stage the questionnaire will be widely disseminated to Greek associations in the UK and will be available for anyone interested in filling it out.
The final report with the findings will be presented in conferences and workshops and will be widely disseminated through Greek and international media.
Information for survey participants