Journal papers and book chapters
February 2021 | Journal papers and book chapters
Ethnic return migration, exclusion and the role of ethnic options: ‘Soviet Greek’ migrants in their ethnic homeland and the Pontic identity
Manolis Pratsinakis
Nations and Nationalism
December 2020 | Journal papers and book chapters
Ukraine and Greece - Two Diasporas: Engagement and Disengagement with the Homeland at Times of Crisis
Kalantzi Foteini and Lapshyna Iryna
Central and Eastern European Migration Review
July 2019 | Journal papers and book chapters
Family‐Related Migration and the Crisis-Driven Outflow from Greece
Manolis Pratsinakis
Book chapter in the book "'New' Migration of Families from Greece to Europe and Canada" Eds, Julie A. Panagiotopoulou, Lisa Rosen, Claudine Kirsch and Aspasia Chatzidaki, Springer
May 2019 | Journal papers and book chapters
A Crisis‐Driven Migration? Aspirations and Experiences of the Post‐2008 South European Migrants in London
Manolis Pratsinakis, Russell King, Carmen Leon Himmelstine and Caterina Mazzilli 2019
Paper in the Journal International Migration
December 2017 | Journal papers and book chapters
Crisis and the resurgence of emigration from Greece: trends, representations, and the multiplicity of migrant trajectories
Manolis Pratsinakis, Panos Hatziprokopiou, Lois Lambrianidis, and Dimitris Grammatikas 2017
Migration and crisis Understanding migration dynamics from Mediterranean Europe eds Glorius, B. and Domínguez-Mujica, Bielefeld: J. Transcript Verlag.
November 2017 | Journal papers and book chapters
Crisis brain drain: short-term pain/long-term gain?
L. Labrianidis & M. Pratsinakis 2017
Greece in Crisis: The Cultural Politics of Austerity, ed D. Tziovas I.B. Tauris
August 2017 | Journal papers and book chapters
Collective charisma, selective exclusion and national belonging: ‘false’ and ‘real’ Greeks from the former Soviet Union
Manolis Pratsinakis, 2017
Everyday Nationhood: Theorizing, Culture, Identity and Belonging two decades after the publication of Banal Nationalism, eds M. Skey & M. Antonsich. Houndmills: Palgrave
March 2016 | Journal papers and book chapters
Greece’s new emigration at times of Crisis
L. Labrianidis & M. Pratsinakis 2016
GreeSE: Hellenic Observatory Papers on Greece and Southeast Europe, paper 99, Hellenic Observatory, LSE

September 2013 | Book
Contesting national belonging: An established-outsider figuration on the margins of Thessaloniki, Greece
Manolis Pratsinakis
Universiteit van Amsterdam 2013

October 1999 | Book
The Greek Diaspora in the Twentieth Century
Richard Clogg (Ed.)
Palgrave MacMillan 1999
E-books and Reports
April 2021 | Workshop report
The Greek diaspora and the homeland in the time of the pandemic
April 2021 | Workshop report
Greek Diaspora in an uncertain world
November 2019 | Workshop report
Η ελληνική διασπορά στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο κατά τη διάρκεια της πανδημίας
November 2019 | Workshop report
Diaspora Philanthropy Report
Conference and workshop reports
March 2017 | Conference report
Diaspora and development: The case of Greece
On the workshop held in Oxford on 3 March, 2017
November 2016 | Conference report
Enterprising diasporas: From brain drain to brain gain
On the workshop held in Oxford on 3 March, 2017
Opinion pieces
May 2020 | Opinion piece
The Greek Diaspora as a factor in the Greek government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Antonis Kamaras
November 2019 | Opinion piece
Do expats want to vote? The voice from abroad on the facilitation of the vote for non-resident Greeks
SEESOX Diaspora Team
December 2016 | Opinion piece
Greece faces losing a whole generation of workers
Oxford Analytica Daily Brief
Working paper series
June 2021
Homeland crisis, party politics and the Greek diaspora vote
By Dr. Othon Anastasakis and Dr. Foteini Kalantzi
October 2019
Failed institution:The World Council of Hellenes Abroad (SAE) since 2008
By Dr. Marina Frangos
September 2019
Main characteristics and settlement outcomes of Greece-born persons who emigrated to Australia during the Greek economic crisis
By Dr. Harry Field – Theotokatos
April 2019
Diaspora philanthropy and volunteerism as a contestable process
By Antonis Kamaras and Marilena Anastasopoulou
March 2019
From open markets, to Russian products stores, to “big business”
By Dr. Kataiftsis Dimitris and Dr. Grigorakis Anastasios
March 2019
Intra-European Mobility, Emigration, and new Dynamics within Greek-Orthodox Religioscapes
By Dr. Georgios E. Trantas
January 2019
New temporariness, old permanency. Emigration of Greek citizens to Australia during the Greek economic crisis (2009-2016)
By Dr. Harry Field – Theotokatos
November 2018
Student migration from Greece to the UK: Understanding aspirations, decision-making and future plans
By Vasiliki Toumanidou
October 2018
Engaging Greek-Australia: A key to advancing Greek relations with the Asia-Pacific Region
By Dr. Andonis Piperoglou
October 2018
Engaging Greek-Australia: A key to advancing Greek relations with the Asia-Pacific Region
By Dr. Andonis Piperoglou
SEESOX Diaspora briefs
May 2021
Crisis and change: the right of Greek citizens to vote abroad
By Dr Foteini Kalantzi , Dr Othon Anastasakis
July 2020
Greek Australia during the Pandemic: diaspora media and multiculturalism
By Dr. Andonis Piperoglou
February 2020
Main characteristics and settlement outcomes of Greece-born migrants in Australia 2006-2016
By Dr. Harry Field –Theotokatos
November 2019
The Greek diasporic vote: a constitutional duty or a political option?
By Vasiliki Poula
October 2019
An ethnographic study of the Greek community of Oxford: preliminary reflections
By Kira Gartzou-Katsouyanni
February 2019
The emigration of Greek citizens to Australia in the years of the Greek economic crisis
By Dr. Harry Field –Theotokatos
January 2019
Investigating the impact of experiences abroad on perceptions of corruption: A case-study on Greek migrants in Germany, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom
By Kostas Papangelopoulos, Dr. Ortrun Merkle
July 2018
Family migration from Greece to Germany and Canada at times of Crisis
By Prof. A. Panagiotopoulou, Prof. L. Rosen
June 2018
Student migration from Greece to the UK: Understanding aspirations and decision-making
By Vasiliki Toumanidou
April 2018
Modern Greek emigration to Africa. What made them emigrate to Africa and what is the current status of the Greek presence?
By Dr Antonis Chaldeos
November 2017
Redressing the Dynamics of Repatriation: From Privileged Return Migration to Entrepreneurial Investments in a Global Market
By Prof. Eftihia Voutira
October 2017
Developing the Greek Diaspora Interactive Map at SEESOX: The Beginning
By F. Kalantzi, K. Gartzou-Katsouyanni, M. E. Anastasopoulou
September 2017
New Greek migrants remitting behaviour: Exploring the factors in the rapid decline of remittances inflows in Greece
By Aymeric Faure
Diaspora and Pandemic Blog

September 2020 | Pandemic Blog
“Give me a place to stand and, with a lever, I will move the whole world”
Kimon Drakopoulos

August 2020 | Pandemic Blog
Greek temporary migrants in Australia: Wedged between coronavirus and Australian government policies
Harry Theotokatos-Field

July 2020 | Pandemic Blog
The SEESOX webinar on ‘Diaspora and the Pandemic’
Antonis Kamaras and Foteini Kalantzi

June 2020 | Pandemic Blog
Greek America in the Pandemic: Entangling Home and Homeland in the Media
Yiorgos Anagnostou

June 2020 | Pandemic Blog
The Greek-Orthodox Diasporic Religioscapes of Europe in Light of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Georgios E. Trantas

June 2020 | Pandemic Blog
The Covid-19 Pandemic, Greece and the Ecumenical Patriarchate
Ioannis N. Grigoriadis

May 2020 | Pandemic Blog
Diasporic responses to the pandemic: Some initial observations
Foteini Kalantzi

May 2020 | Pandemic Blog
Does EU law have space for repatriation (for Greece and beyond) amidst a pandemic?
Vasiliki Poula